delia的星星:毕竟是自身参与感最强的一届看颁奖跟看春晚似的观后感 五味杂陈按照过年的规矩许愿新年愿望的话查理普斯希望电影永葆纯粹之美另外想说 李安如今看着都是少年感啊
快意人生🌈: love it, even though the line between fiction and reality is supposedly clear particularly after 2nd viewing (obviously, the execution, the writer, the attempted suffocation by pillow scene are all imaginary) , there are still lots of postmodern smoke and mirrors and humors left (what the heck with all the bleeps, what does alien abduction mean, and at the very end, is Petrov just returning home ALONE? and his house becomes a dollhouse! Has he always been alone and the entire film is his comic work?). Now the cliched praise: dashing camera, surreal transition, 3-act structure each in its own shooting style and lighting invoking distinct emotions and motifs undercutting one another.